Fight Symptoms and Protect Yourself

Just how hot is it in your part of the world? Here, the average is 98F. But with the heat index, try 110F. Feel free to covert to metrics at any time.

The pain is always there. Symptoms never go away. On bad days you fee like you can barely walk. You try walking up stairs or a hill and you really have to focus. It's a combination of the heat and trauma pain. But what else can you do but try to protect yourself.

Here in the States many right wing politicians are trying to completely destroy health care. What they really want is only the best health care money can buy for rich and powerful right wing whites. If you're anything else, nobody owes you anything. Especially the government. If you get sick and don't have health coverage, just die. And what's even more bizarre about this is that these people actually believe this.

In other civilized countries, health care is a human right. In two month, my sister is moving to France. Is she emigrating permenantly? I have no idea. If she is, I don't blame her for leaving. The number of Americans who emigrate continues to go up. Many then renounce their US citizenship for various reasons. One of the top ones is dual taxation. Another is an inhumane treatment of people who need medical treatment.

Planning on coming here? Think carefully before you do.


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