8 Pipe Bombs in 1 day

How's your struggle with trauma going? Here, 8 pipe bombs were mailed by someone to powerful politicians and CNN's New York offices. Who sent it? One of the latest "expert" theories is that a psycho follower of Trump did it.

Many questions:

Is it one person? Or more than one?
Is it a Trump zealot?
The bombs are said to be basic. Is this because the maker is an amateur? Or, are they an expert who's trying to trick the police, FBI and others that they're an amateur? This way they're even more confused.

8 bombs in one day. In an Australian high school, 7 students were stabbed with a syringe. Why so much pain and suffering?  Not sure. But you have to protect your well being as best you can. You can't take on your pain and the world's pain all at the same time. It's too much.

Another doctor appointment tomorrow. 4 this week.

Protect yourself.


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