Try to Protect Yourself As Best You Can

Another day of fighting symptoms and pain. All of that never goes away. But like the saying goes, you have to face your trauma history head on as best you can.

I've been sober 27 years now. I could go out almost anytime I want (but bars and clubs here are quite as enlightened as others abroad). I could get almost anything I want. But do I really want to go back to all of that pain? No I don't. Every time you relapse the pain is twice as bad as the last time. And sadly there's always that percentage of addicts who can't quit and die.

I'm not responsible for what other horrible people say and do. But I will set boundaries as best I can. I can't singlehandedly stop Trump and the other racist right wingers who want to literally destroy anyone and everything remotely "liberal" (whatever that means).

Do you ever feel paralyzed because of your trauma pain? At times I literally feel stuck. But you do your cope to try and cope.

Saving the world is great. But your well being comes first.


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