Watch Everywhere for Triggering Stuff

How's your part of the world? Here it's another really triggering day. Think of it as really bad smog. Kind of surreal when you can actually see the air that you're trying not to breathe.

4 nights in a row of nightmares. There's no set pattern to them. But it's strange to open your eyes in the middle of the night and fight to get out of the nightmare. Some formerly favorite foods we just can't touch anymore. Too violently triggering. Or, you just feel really depressed when you even think about it.

Others say and do horrible things. Despite this, you try to protect your well being first. Then, try to make things better. Some say why bother? Everything's rigged against you. So nothing matters.

You may think that. But at the end of the day you have to decide what to do (instead of circumstances dictating your actions). Then answer the question. Can I live with the consequences of my actions?

You may not get rich or have your own TV show. But you will have peace of mind. Besides, in a sense no positive change instantly happens. It's human nature for the rich and powerful to fight like hell against any threat to that. Nobody powerful ever gives up power without wanting something in return.

You just want to feel safe and not bombarded with pain 24 hours a day every day.


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