Bombarded with Pain

The pain is always there. You never get a break. It feels like trauma pain comes in waves. One minute you feel like you can focus fairly well. Then torture flashbacks bombard you.

You want to feel like you're not permanently damaged. But there's evidence that prolonged torture affects your physiological response to pain. Undealt with trauma pain affects you on a genetic level.

It never goes away.

Do you still have nightmares? We do. You're lucky if you get two hours of sleep at night. Then the next morning you hurt all over. The pain is always there.

You have to fight back because you have to. You don't have a choice.

You can't handle your pain and the pain of the rest of the world all at the same time. We tried that and it didn't work. Despite that, you can't let your guard down. We've never assaulted or killed anybody. But the possibility of blackouts is always there.

How many multiple personalities do you have? We have our little kid and twenty five. That's part of us.

Protect your well being.


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