Sorry to Be Away

How's your part of the world? Sorry to be away for so long. But we've been bombarded with a lot of pain and various stuff to do. The longer you go without having a relapse, the more debilitating your pain feels. You're not physically paralyzed. But emotionally you feel like you can barely do anything.

How do others who aren't trauma survivors treat you? Do they actually listen and have some empathy for what you struggle with? Or, do they treat you like you're invisible? We've had a long list of people who said they couldn't deal with this weird guy rape survivor crap, or just said you don't exist.

Maybe some would say, you know some people are. They just can't understand. But that doesn't mean they can't at least have some human decency.

Is that too much to ask?

Your pain will never go away. You'll never a day free from PTSD symptoms or trauma pain. You're telling the truth every time you talk about your pain.

And you deserve to be heard.


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