
Showing posts from March, 2019

Don't Dissociate

The longer you go without relapsing, the more debilitating the pain is. Does this mean that your system is more exposed to things like allergies and other conditions? It feels like it. Lately we've come close to having a relapse. But trying to think it thru makes you fight your way out of it. That adds to the constant exhaustion.  Protect yourself.

The More Debilitating the Pain Gets

The longer you go without a relapse, the more debilitating the pain is. It's been almost 3 months now without a dissociative relapse. But the danger is always there. Another day of struggling to not fall apart. yes you could disappear and have no idea of where you are. But we don't want to feel terrified like that again. The pain never goes away. But we know that facing it head on is the right thing to do (as long as it doesn't hurt you in some way). Since we got raped, it feels like every day has been torture. There have been some good things that have happened. The pain is always there. What kind of effects does that have on someone long term? Protect yourself.

Severe Ups and Downs

A long day of fighting to keep some sense of being grounded. One minute you have tiny moments of clarity. then all of your trauma pain tries to beat you down into the ground. How's your struggle with triggering stuff? Sometimes we go into a store and can't walk down certain aisles. You're bombarded with flashbacks and horrible body pain. Triggering stuff is everywhere. You have to protect yourself. We have horrible flashbacks to abandonment and abuse. On the other hand, if we didn't we either end up in a psych hospital or dead from suicide. We have no death wish. But the pain never goes away. Protect yourself.

Watch Everywhere for Triggering Stuff

How's your part of the world? Here it's another really triggering day. Think of it as really bad smog. Kind of surreal when you can actually see the air that you're trying not to breathe. 4 nights in a row of nightmares. There's no set pattern to them. But it's strange to open your eyes in the middle of the night and fight to get out of the nightmare. Some formerly favorite foods we just can't touch anymore. Too violently triggering. Or, you just feel really depressed when you even think about it. Others say and do horrible things. Despite this, you try to protect your well being first. Then, try to make things better. Some say why bother? Everything's rigged against you. So nothing matters. You may think that. But at the end of the day you have to decide what to do (instead of circumstances dictating your actions). Then answer the question. Can I live with the consequences of my actions? You may not get rich or have your own TV show. But you will ha...

Ups and Downs

One minute you have moments of clarity. Then all of your trauma pain hits you. You have nothing to hide behind. There is no cure for PTSD. The pain will never go away. But we know that we did nothing wrong. You deserve better than endless abuse. The nightmares are continuing. Despite that, you try to protect your well being. Stay safe.

Sorry to Be Away

Sorry to have been away or a while. The past week or two have been rough. Lots of severe ups and downs. One minute you feel like you have a tiny moment of clarity. But then horrible despair hits you. You have nothing to hide behind and you struggle to not black out. You set boundaries as best you can. You have no control over horrible people. But you deserve better and do your best to protect your well being. Because you have to. You can't take on your pain and the pain of the rest of the world. But you have to balance your pain with caring and trying to make things better. Stay safe.

Screen Everything

Is today a highly triggering day? When that happens, think of it as a really bad smog day. Everywhere you look there's triggering stuff. You do the best you can to try and protect your well being. Because you have to. One minute you feel you a certain amount of stability. Then horrible despair. Does this happen to all trauma survivors? Not sure. Despite that, you have to face it head on as best you can. Stay safe.

Pay Attention to the Tiny Things

Triggering stuff is happening everywhere. This means you have to protect yourself. Pay attention to tiny things in how you feel. It's not your fault. Stay safe.

Protect Your Well Being

The pain is always there. But you do your best to fight back and keep some sense of being grounded. Protect your well being as best you an.

Triggering Stuff is Everywhere

Protect yourself. Horrible triggering stuff is everywhere. A racist terrorist ring kills 49 Muslims in 2 mosques in Christchurch, NZ. Corporate media won't say the ringleader's name. They also won't call him a terrorist. Instead, he's just a shooter. Now if he were a dark skinned Muslim then automatically he'd be a terrorist? Listen to how tiny things affect you. Don't blow them off because everybody else does. That's why your intuition is there. Stay safe.

Don't Relapse

Trying to keep our sense of being grounded. Don't take on the pain of the rest of the world in addition to your own trauma pain. One minute you feel really sad. Then you have a tiny moment of clarity. But what that happens, you still feel scared. But you do your best. This just in. The UK House votes down the Brexit deal for the second time. If the UK leaves the EU with no deal, will the country fall apart? Protect yourself.

Screen Everything

Another triggering day. It's like everywhere you look triggering stuff is there. Set boundaries and protect yourself as best you can. Don't have a relapse. Don't let your guard down. Also, don't take on the pain of the rest of the world in addition to your pain. It's too much. You have to fight back.

Don't Relapse

Struggling to not relapse and fall apart. It will make your pain A MILLION TIMES WORSE. Don't do it. I don't want to fall apart. You're tortured every day no stop for a really long time. You have psychotic episodes every day as well. Nobody helps you. You feel terrified when you feel like you lose control over your body. But nobody helps you. You don't want to say to hell with the world and I just don't care anymore about anything. You don't want to fall into that trap. You just want to be able to sit, focus and not feel bombarded with pain. That's not too much to ask, is it?

How Does This Affect You Long Term?

Struggling with the full pain of our trauma history. For a long time, every day was torture. You're bombarded with violent dissociating. You feel like you have no control over your system. You now something's wrong, but you're not sure and nobody helps you. Then partly through not giving up you reach tiny moments of clarity. But you're terrified and don't know what to do. You're almost paralyzed. Protect yourself.

Tiny Things in How You Feel

You fight really hard to reach a certain point. Then you do, have tiny moments of clarity and feel empty and terrified. We know we did nothing wrong. But the sadness is always there. Protect yourself.

Don't Relapse

Constant exhaustion. But don't relapse. Don't let you guard down and fall apart. Stimulant relapse? No. The pain will be twice as bad as last time. Do your best to protect your well being.

Protect Your Well Being

Set boundaries as best you can. Fight back because you have to. It's not your fault. You did nothing wrong. It's not your fault. You have no control over other people who say and do horrible things. Protect yourself.

To to Keep a Balance

A tough day struggling with anger and frustration. People around you who one minute say they care about you are abusive. They treat you like you're literally invisisible. So what do you do? You deserve better. Keep your side of things clean so you have nothing to apologize for. Protect your well being.

Protect Yourself

Don't slip. Don't dissociate and fall apart. If you do that, you'll back to being borderline psychotic or blacking out. Do you really want to feel terrified again? Every time you relapse the pain is twice as bad. Some never stop relapsing and eventually die. Do you really want that? Protect yourself.

Pay Attention

A long day of fighting symptoms and to not relapse. Stimulant cravings never seem to go away. If you relapse, you system turns severely acidic and it's really hard not to dissociate. Pay attention to small things in how you feel. One minute you feel relatively grounded. Then sadness, despair and fighting to not black out. But you do your best to try and cope. Stay safe.