
Showing posts from August, 2018

Screen Everything

Another day of triggering stuff everywhere. Screen it all and protect yourself because nobody else will. It's not your fault You did nothing wrong You're not sick. bizarre, strange or a danger to anyone Protect yourself.

Don't Let Your Guard Down

Another night of almost no sleep at all. Trying to rest and not to let your guard down. You have to protect yourself because you don't have a choice. The pain never goes away. But also, you have no control over others who say and do cruel things. They have to deal with the consequences. Stay safe.

Protect Yourself

Triggering stuff is everywhere. Screen everything because you have to. Protect yourself.

Screen Everything

Maybe 1 or 2 hours of sleep last night. Nightmares are still happening. You still have to fight your way out of them. Then the only way to escape them is to blow everything up. After that, adrenal burnout is always there. Binge on salt, sugar and other stimulants? No. Do I think about drinking again? I do. But do I really want to go back to that pain? No I don't. You have to screen everything to protect yourself. Some days are like bad smog days. Everything's a threat. But you have to protect yourself because nobody else will. Can we single-handedly save the world? No. But that doesn't mean you stop being aware and caring. Stay safe.

No Sleep and Constant Struggle

No sleep at all last night. Then when you think you might get some, nightmares come back. But you do your best to not dissociate and lose track of where you are. What long term effects does constant adrenal burnout have on you? Protect yourself.

Pain Never Goes Away

Another night of almost no sleep at all. Then fight symptoms so you don't fall apart. Over six months now with no dissociative relapse. The longer you go, the worse the extremes. But you have to protect your well being. You don't have a choice. Protect yourself.

Screen Everything

Positive thoughts to the brave people in Hawaii facing Hurricane Lane. Screen everything. Triggering stuff is everywhere. Why should you do this? Because everything is connected. At first you may not see that. But as you continue in your healing process, you start to see this. Not everybody has the same trauma story or heals at the same rate. Despite that, that's okay. The important thing is to face your history head on as best you can. As long as it doesn't endanger you in some way. Stay safe.

Protect Yourself from Triggering Stuff

Another night of almost no sleep at all. Then fight constant burnout and don't let your guard down with avoiding triggering stuff. It really is all connected. Protect yourself.

Don't Fall Apart

Fighting really hard to not binge on stimulants and fall apart. Those were some of the causes of our heart disease. Now there's more awareness of the holistic effect of this on us. You have to pay attention to tiny things in how you feel. Don't just blow them off like they're nothing. Protect yourself.

Constant Burnout

Almost no sleep and constant burnout. The pain is always there. But you have to fight back to keep some sense of being grounded. Because you have to. Protect yourself.

Fight to Not Dissociate

Fighting symptoms and trauma pain. Flashbacks, anal pain and more. You have to fight back. You try to focus but the pain is always there. You don't have a choice. If you don't fight back you'll fall apart. I'm not a threat to anyone. I'm not gay or bi. I'm a perfectly normal straight person trying to protect my well being from a horrible trauma history. Don't let your guard down.

Keep Your Sense of Being Grounded

Fight symptoms. Don't let your guard down. Why? Because you have to. You don't have a choice. The pain is always there. It's not your fault. You did nothing wrong. You're not strange, bizarre or a danger to anyone. You have to fight back. One minute you feel like you can move and have some moments of clarity. Then, you're bombarded with pain and can barely function. Despite all of that, you have to keep moving. If others choose to be horrible, they live with that. Not us. Protect yourself.

Despair Never Goes Away

What adds to trauma survivors' pain? Trump being in office is one thing. Another is to fight to not feel like you're overwhelmed and then fall apart. No sleep last night and nightmares are back. It's like your soul is fighting to leave your body. I have no death wish. But that's what it felt like. We did nothing wrong. It's not our fault. Protect yourself.

Burnout is Always There

Another day of almost no sleep and constant burnout. On the other hand, we don't want to be taking any more meds. How will feeling drugged out all the time make things better? Screen everything. Check the impulse to save the world all by yourself. Instead, set boundaries where necessary. Protect yourself.

It Never Lets Up

Another night of almost no sleep at all. Constant pain and adrenal burnout. More medication isn't the answer. Instead, you try to protect yourself as best you can. Set boundaries and don't give into the I-can-save-the-world-all-by-myself idea. What's one thing trauma survivors have in common? To not turn into some burned out angry monster that doesn't give a damn anymore. Protect yourself.


Another day of fighting symptoms and burnout. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll get one or two hours of sleep. But then nightmares happen. You're constantly fighting to not black out. You can't stop all of the evil horrible people in the world all by yourself. But you can be aware and care. Your well being comes first. If that's not together, you can't be effective. You have no control over what others say and do. But you can and must protect your well being as best you can. Have a good day.

Don't Fall Apart

Almost no sleep at all last night. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll get one or two hours. Then it's constant adrenal burnout. You have to fight back. You have to fight to keep a sense of being grounded. In the past, dissociating was so severe that it took almost two weeks to regain that. The pain never goes away. Despite that, we are not permanently damaged. You try and face your health problems head on. Health being physical and emotional. Not two seperate things. Protect yourself.

Don't Fall Apart

When was the last time we got a good night's sleep? Can't remember. The pain is always there. You try to wake up. But it's like you never went to sleep. Don't fall apart. Don't let your guard down. If you do, you'll disappear. The essence of what makes you unique will fall apart. Are we permanently damaged? No. But the pain never goes away. Protect your well being.


A long day of fighting symptoms and never ending burnout. We're trying hard to not fall apart and go back to a junk food diet and other destructive things. But every night's a struggle. If we're lucky, maybe we'll get two or three hours of sleep. Then you can't go back to sleep and feel exhausted. The pain never goes away. The burnout is always there. But you have to keep going.

Tiny Things Add Up

We have to be very careful in our diet. Did some online research on several well known restaurants and their nutritional content in their food. There's almost no place to go. Yes, cooking at home is fine. But sometimes you want a break. And now our tolerance for salt and sugar has gone down a lot. As my heart function continues over time to decline, is the same thing true for your diet? Our tolerance for big meals is gone. If we have a relatively normal sized meal, it's easy to put on 15 pounds in 1 week. Then it takes almost a month of solid exercise to literally lose 3 pounds. This is one of many common problems heart patients have. Have a good day.

Pain Is Always There

Another day of fighting symptoms and trauma pain. Arthritic pain comes and goes. Now, it's back again. I can walk, but it hurts. But you have to fight back. Don't let your guard down. If you do, you'll fall apart. The pain is always there. You're not permenantly damaged. But it never goes away. Set boundaries as best you can. You have to protect your well being.

Pain Is Always There

Fight symptoms and don't let your guard down. You have to fight back to not fall apart. Constant exhaustion. But don't slip and go back to a toxic diet that will make things even worse. Protect your well being at all costs.

Fight Symptoms Because You Have To

Watching late night TV with the sound turned down because it's too triggering to listen to. You have to set boundaries and pay attention to tiny things in how you feel and in your environment. You have no control over the horrible things that others say and do. But you can protect yourself to protect your overall well being. Flashbacks still happen. One minute you think you're okay. Then you have to fight back to not disappear and blackout. Because you have to. Protect yourself.